Arabs for Israel
Nonie Darwish
· Behind the News in Israel (, Presents news items and analyses that are not seen in the standard mainstream electronic or print media. (Contact:
· CAMERA (, The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America works to foster sound reporting, while educating news consumers about Middle East issues and the critical role of the media.
· European Jewish Press ( The sole Jewish news and information agency in Europe.
· Eye on the Post ( A DC area media watch group which monitors the Washington Post's coverage of Israel.
· Honest Reporting (, Promotes fair and balanced reporting of Israel in the international media. Contact:
· Jewish Media Resources (, A media organization dedicated to furthering an understanding of Torah Judaism by working with foreign journalists stationed in Israel and with local journalists, providing access to leading figures within the Orthodox Jewish community in Israel.
· MEMRI (, The Middle East Media Research Institute bridges the language gap which exists between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East. (Contact:
· Our Jerusalem (, Today's top news stories from Jerusalem, Israel and the Jewish world. (
· Palestinian Media Watch (, Information to gain an understanding of Palestinian society through the monitoring of the Palestinian Arabic language media and schoolbooks. (Contact:
· Primer Action Center (, Counters anti-Jewish and anti-Israel written, visual and oral messages through media watch, media response and dissemination of complete and accurate information.
· ReVista de Medio Oriente ( Countering bias against Israel in the Spanish language media
· Take A Pen (, A letter writing campaign aimed at removing the one-sided press of Middle East politics. (
· The Media Line (, Offers media organizations multi-faceted assistance in understanding Israel and theMiddle East. (Contact:
· The Real Picture (, The true story behind a famous picture in the media. (
· United Jerusalem ( Combating inaccuracies about Israel and fighting the bias in the media. (
· Watch (, Covers media reports about the terrorist attacks against America and the war against terrorism. (Contact:
· About Israel ( Information about the many rich facets of Israel, the Israeli people and the Jewish nation worldwide. (Contact:
· Concept Wizard (, Visual information about the history of the Middle East conflict. (
· Dhimmitude (, Explanation and description about the status of non-Muslims living in Muslim countries. (
· Golan Heights Information Server (, The website of the Golan Residents Committee, which contains cultural, political and statistical information on the Golan Heights.
· Hebron (, The official website of the Jewish Community in Hebron, West Bank. (Contact:
· HowtheGunmanStolePeace (, A parable based on what went wrong with the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. (Contact:
· Israel-Arab Conflict FAQ (, Frequently asked questions about the Arab-Israeli conflict. (
· Israel Hasbara Committee (, Publishes a variety of material about Israel and the Jewish People serving an educational purpose to establish facts in the pursuit of truth. (Contact:
· Israel Info Center (, A collection of articles, links and resources encompassing many aspects of Israeli society, culture, and politics. (Contact:
· Israel's War Against Terror (, Information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the peace process and the war that was waged against Israel.
· Jewish Virtual Library (, An in-depth source for information on Jewish history, Israel, U.S.-Israel relations, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism and Judaism. (Contact:
· Judea Magazine (, The history of Jewish life in Israel. (Contact:
· Middle East Facts (, Information and facts about the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the current state of the region.
· Middle East Regimes and Terrorism (, Aims to advance democracy, pluralism and mutual respect in the Middle East. Contains interactive maps of the region and comparative statistical information about Middle Eastern countries.
· My Israel Source (, A virtual community of Jewish educators dedicated to Israel Education.
· Mythbusting the Mideast (, Articles, facts, maps, and talking points to clarify myths about Israeland the Middle East.
· Myths & Facts: A guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict (, A question and answer formatted guide the Arab-Israeli conflict. (Contact:
· Sharei Shechem (, A guide to the Shomrom Mountain communities. (Contact:
· The Golan Heights (, General information on the Golan Heights. (Contact:
· The Mufti and the Fuhrer (, Explores the relationship between Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler. (Contact:
· The Security Fence / Israel Foreign Ministry site (, An Israeli Governmental website containing information, maps, articles, and statements about the security fence.
· The Truth About Israel (, Dedicated to informing people of key events and facts about Israel, current and historic, ignored by the major news agencies. (Contact:
· Campus Watch (, Monitors anti-Israel activity on university campuses. (Contact:
· Divestment Watch (, Leading the battle against the illegal divestment from Israel campaign.
· Fox13 Investigative: Jihad for Kids (, An investigative report about a Palestinian children's television show that indoctrinates children to hate Israel and become suicide bombers.
· Israel Academic Monitor (, Aims to bring to light abuses of academic freedom.
· Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) (Formerly CMIP) (, Examines the content of school textbooks used in the Middle East, to determine whether children are being taught to accept and recognize the right of the "other" to exist.

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